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Modules of Jute Keeper

Raw Jute Purchase

Jute Purchase is a module in a software system that helps manage the procurement of jute, a versatile natural fiber used in many industries. It streamlines the purchasing process, ensures quality control, and improves inventory management.

  • Supplier Information (Maintain by SMS system)
  • Lot information
  • Random Slip
  • Automation Weight system
  • Tracking will be maintained by QR code.
  • Final weight / net weight.
  • Out-Turn. Bojha wise auto calculation by Random selection of bojha.
  • Moisture records with all types of deduction.
  • Rate management (Flat rate / Basis rate)
  • Create bill. Integrated to Accounts.
  • Create payment with partial/ total payment with manual or/and RTGS, BEFTN, NPSB, Internal transfer system etc. (Maintain SMS)
  • Record all types of Data which are maintained by Lot and year wise.

Jute Assortment with Wages

Jute Assortment refers to the process of sorting raw jute fibers according to their quality and grade. It is an essential step in jute processing and helps ensure that the final product meets the required standards.

  • Area/Quality and grade wise admin setup
  • Area/Quality and grade wise Daily assortment records.
  • At the same time Khata wise Assortment bill will be prepared automatically.
  • Kacca jute godown to assortment shad transfer recording system. Weight can be maintain by Bojha or direct wight in Kgs.
  • Khata information records available.
  • Kacca to pakka jute inventory will be maintained by this module which is integrated with accounts.
  • Area and grade wise issue to factory/Mill.

Raw Jute/Pile

  • Maintain inventory of raw jute by this highly efficient module.
  • Maintain pile stock by column with area and grade.
  • Maintain batch composition with area and grade as per count requirement.


  • Yearn (Twist & Precision Production)
  • Cloth and bag production with inventory and maintain wages in contact and pcs rate.
  • Frame wise count setup
  • Frame wise budget production, spindle RPM calculation, TPI, Efficiency, Install capacity as per average count.
  • Generate a proper all kinds of MIS reports.
  • Must increase productivity and efficiency.
  • Production planning with budget.
  • Frame and shift wise record daily production.


  • By diversified products like count, ply & quality etc. and different types of packing like pallet, truss, bundle, bel etc. can be maintained through this module.
  • Cloth and bag product with packing are maintain by this module.
  • Dispatch/Shipment/Sales will maintain on it.
  • Vehicle wise gate pass will maintain on it automatically.
  • Weight will be maintained by automaton system.

General Store

  • Overview: The Store inventory module is designed to help businesses manage their inventory in a retail or store setting. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for tracking stock levels, managing stock movements, and optimizing inventory levels.
  • Stock Management: The module enables businesses to manage their stock levels effectively by tracking inventory movements across multiple locations such as warehouses, stores, and distribution centers. It helps in maintaining optimum stock levels by identifying slow-moving and fast-moving products.
  • Product Catalog: The module allows businesses to create and manage a product catalog that includes all the products they sell in their stores. This feature can include detailed product descriptions, pricing information, and stock levels.
  • Purchase Order (MRR) Management: The module also helps in managing purchase orders from vendors, allowing businesses to order products and track their delivery. This feature can include purchase order creation, approval workflows, and receiving of goods.
  • Issue Order Management: The module can manage issue (SR) orders and track customer purchases. This feature can include sales order creation, order fulfillment, and invoicing.
  • Reporting: The module provides detailed reports on inventory levels, stock movements, and sales. This feature can include inventory aging reports, stock turnover reports, and sales reports.
  • Barcode Scanning: The module can integrate with barcode scanning technology to make inventory management more efficient. This feature can include barcode generation, scanning, and product identification.
  • Integration with Other Modules: The Store inventory module can integrate with other modules such as accounting, purchasing, and issue to provide a comprehensive ERP solution. This feature can include data synchronization, automation of workflows, and reporting.
  • Authorize Permission: The module allows authorization of permission by storekeeper, manager, and audit.

Sales And Export

  • Overview: The buyer-wise sales and export documentation with multiple banking module is designed to help businesses manage their sales and export documentation for their international buyers. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for tracking sales orders, creating export documentation, and managing multiple banking channels.
  • Sales Order Management: The module enables businesses to manage their sales orders effectively by tracking them on a buyer-wise basis. It helps in maintaining a clear record of each order with the buyer, which helps in tracking shipments, payments, and export documentation.
  • Export Documentation: The module helps in generating export documentation such as invoices, packing lists, and shipping documents for each sales order. It also helps in ensuring that all the export documentation is compliant with the relevant regulations.
  • Multi-Banking Channels: The module provides multiple banking channels, allowing businesses to manage payments from their buyers effectively. It helps in maintaining a record of payments received and ensures that payments are credited to the correct account.
  • Letter of Credit Management: The module enables businesses to manage letter of credit transactions, which are commonly used in international trade. It helps in ensuring that the letter of credit terms is met, and the payment is received on time.
  • Reporting: The module provides detailed reports on sales orders, export documentation, and payments. This feature can include sales order reports, export documentation reports, and payment reports.
  • Integration with Other Modules: The buyer-wise sales and export documentation with multiple banking modules can integrate with other modules such as accounting and inventory to provide a comprehensive ERP solution. This feature can include data synchronization, automation of workflows, and reporting.


  • Buyer information
  • Automation weight system
  • Contact or agreement
  • DO (Delivery order)
  • Vehicle wise Partial delivery
  • Auto generate Gate pass
  • Maintain records of order quantity wise delivery
  • Integration with other modules


  • Overview: The import and commercial module of an ERP system is designed to help businesses manage their import processes and commercial documentation. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing the import process from the point of contact to the final delivery of goods and integration with accounting and store modules.
  • Contact Management: The module allows businesses to manage their contacts such as suppliers, agents, and banks. This feature can include contact creation, contact details, and contact classification.
  • Purchase Order Management: The module enables businesses to manage their purchase orders from suppliers. It helps in managing the purchase order creation, approval workflows, and delivery tracking.
  • Proforma Invoice Management: The module can manage proforma invoices generated by suppliers. It helps in verifying the accuracy of the proforma invoice and in creating a record of the transaction.
  • Commercial Invoice Management: The module can manage commercial invoices generated by the business for the import transaction. This feature can include commercial invoice creation, approval workflows, and integration with the store module for inventory management.
  • Letter of Credit Management: The module enables businesses to manage letter of credit transactions. It helps in ensuring that the letter of credit terms are met, and the payment is received on time. It also provides integration with the accounts module for the management of the letter of credit payments.
  • Goods Receipt Note Management: The module can manage goods receipt notes generated when the goods are received at the warehouse. It helps in tracking the inventory levels and updating the inventory records in the store module.
  • Payment Management: The module can manage payments made to suppliers. This feature can include payment creation, approval workflows, and integration with the account’s module for the management of payments.
  • Reporting: The module provides detailed reports on import transactions, purchase orders, commercial invoices, and payments. This feature can include reports on the status of the import transaction, payment reports, and inventory management reports.
  • Integration with Other Modules: The import and commercial module of an ERP system can integrate with other modules such as accounts and store to provide a comprehensive ERP solution. This feature can include data synchronization, automation of workflows, and reporting.

Overall, the import and commercial module of an ERP system provides businesses with the tools they need to manage their import processes and commercial documentation effectively. Integration with the accounts and store modules provides a comprehensive solution for managing the import process from start to finish.


  • Overview: The wages management module of an ERP system is designed to help businesses manage their employee wages effectively. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for tracking employee attendance, calculating wages based on different criteria, and managing wages across multiple branches.
  • Time-Based Wages: The module allows businesses to calculate employee wages based on the number of hours worked. It helps in tracking employee attendance and calculating wages based on the total hours worked.
  • Piece-Based Wages: The module can calculate wages based on the number of pieces produced by employees. This feature can include the ability to track the number of pieces produced by employees, the rate per piece, and the total wages based on the total number of pieces produced.
  • Contact-Based Wages: The module can calculate wages based on different contacts or clients that employees work for. It helps in managing the wages of employees working on different projects or clients.
  • Multi-Branch Management: The module enables businesses to manage wages across multiple branches. It helps in maintaining a record of employee attendance and wages across different branches.
  • Biometric Machine Integration: The module can integrate with biometric machines to track employee attendance automatically. It helps in eliminating manual attendance tracking and reducing errors in attendance records.
  • Shift and Unit-Based Wages: The module can calculate wages based on different shifts or work units. This feature can include the ability to track the number of hours worked in each shift or unit, the rate per hour or unit, and the total wages based on the total hours or units worked.
  • Pieces Wise Jute Bag and Jute Contact Wise Cloth Wages: The module can calculate wages based on the number of jute bags or cloth produced by employees. This feature can include the ability to track the number of jute bags or cloth produced by employees, the rate per bag or cloth, and the total wages based on the total number of jute bags or cloth produced.
  • Reporting: The module provides detailed reports on employee attendance, wages, and payments. This feature can include reports on employee attendance, wages, payment status, and payment history.
  • Shift-Wise Duty Roster: The module can generate shift-wise duty rosters for employees. It includes features such as predefined shift rules, automatic shift assignments, and integration with attendance data.
  • Integration with Other Modules: The wages management module can integrate with other modules such as accounting and inventory to provide a comprehensive ERP solution. This feature can include data synchronization, automation of workflows, and reporting.

Overall, the wages management module of an ERP system provides businesses with the tools they need to manage employee wages effectively. The incorporation of time, pcs, contact basis, multi-branches, biometric machine, shift, unit-wise wages, and pieces wise jute bag and jute contact-wise cloth wages makes it an all-in-one solution for managing employee wages.

HR, Payroll and Admin

  • Employee Information: The Admin HR and Payroll module is designed to store and manage employee information. It includes employee details such as name, address, contact information, date of birth, joining date, and other relevant information.
  • Salary Management: The module can manage employee salaries and wage rates. It can include features such as pay scales, salary structures, and automatic calculation of salaries based on hours worked or production output.
  • Biometric Attendance: The module can integrate with biometric attendance systems to automatically record employee attendance. It helps in eliminating manual attendance tracking and reducing errors in attendance records.
  • Multiple Branch Management: The module can manage employee data across multiple branches. It helps in maintaining a centralized employee database for businesses with multiple locations.
  • Provident Fund (PF): The module can manage Provident Fund (PF) contributions for employees. It includes features such as automatic calculation of PF contributions, generation of PF reports, and integration with accounting modules.
  • Auto-Generate Leave: The module can automatically generate employee leave based on predefined rules. It includes features such as leave entitlements, accrual rates, and leave balances.
  • Authorization or Approval: The module can require authorization or approval for employee leave. It includes features such as approval workflows, leave requests, and leave approval reports.
  • Short Leave: The module can manage short leave for employees. It includes features such as predefined short leave rules, automatic calculation of short leave, and integration with attendance data.
  • Shift-Wise Duty Roster: The module can generate shift-wise duty rosters for employees. It includes features such as predefined shift rules, automatic shift assignments, and integration with attendance data.
  • Time Management: The module can manage employee time off requests and time tracking. It includes features such as predefined time off rules, automatic calculation of time off, and integration with attendance data.
  • Bonus Management: The module can manage employee bonuses. It includes features such as bonus structures, bonus calculations, and bonus payouts.
  • Reporting: The module provides detailed reports on employee information, attendance, leave, payroll, and other HR-related data. This feature can include reports on employee performance, attendance, salary statements, and other relevant reports.
  • Integration with Other Modules: The Admin HR and Payroll module can integrate with other modules such as accounting and inventory to provide a comprehensive ERP solution. This feature can include data synchronization, automation of workflows, and reporting.

Overall, the Admin HR and Payroll module of an ERP system provides businesses with the tools they need to manage employee information, attendance, leave, payroll, and other HR-related data effectively. The incorporation of biometric attendance with multiple branches, PF, auto-generate leave with authorization or approval, short leave shift-wise duty roster, time management, and bonus makes it an all-in-one solution for managing HR and payroll data.


  • General Ledger: The general ledger is the core of the accounting module. It is used to record all financial transactions in the company. This module helps you to maintain an accurate and complete record of financial transactions, including accounts payable and accounts receivable.
  • Accounts Payable: This module allows you to manage the money you owe to vendors, suppliers, and other entities. It includes features such as tracking of purchase orders, receipts, and invoices, vendor management, and payments processing.
  • Accounts Receivable: This module enables you to manage the money you are owed by customers, clients, and other entities. It includes features such as tracking of sales orders, receipts, and invoices, customer management, and payments processing.
  • Bank Reconciliation: This module helps you to reconcile bank statements and to identify any discrepancies between the bank statement and the company's records. It includes features such as automatic bank feeds, statement reconciliation, and error resolution.
  • Fixed Assets: This module is used to manage the company's fixed assets, such as property, plant, and equipment. It includes features such as asset tracking, depreciation calculation, disposal management, and maintenance scheduling.
  • Budgeting: This module helps you to create and manage budgets for various departments and projects within the company. It includes features such as budget preparation, variance analysis, and forecasting.
  • Cash Management: This module is used to manage the company's cash flow. It includes features such as forecasting, cash position analysis, and short-term investment management.
  • Financial Reporting: This module provides various financial reports, such as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, to help the management team make informed decisions. It includes features such as customizable reports, data visualization, and analytics.
  • Tax Management: This module helps you to manage the company's tax compliance and reporting requirements. It includes features such as tax calculations, tax filings, and tax audit management.
  • Multi-Currency Support: This module enables you to manage transactions in different currencies. It includes features such as real-time currency conversion, exchange rate management, and multicurrency reporting.
  • Integration with Other Modules: The accounting and finance module can integrate with other modules such as inventory and payroll to provide a comprehensive ERP solution. This feature can include data synchronization, automation of workflows, and reporting.

Overall, the accounting and finance module of an ERP system provides businesses with the tools they need to manage financial transactions, budgets, cash flow, taxes, and reporting effectively. The incorporation of fixed assets, bank reconciliation, budgeting, cash management, and multi-currency support makes it an all-in-one solution for managing accounting and finance data.


  • Raw Jute Purchase Report: This report provides information on the quantity and value of raw jute purchased during a specified period.
  • Assortment Report: This report shows the different grades of raw jute purchased during a specified period, along with their respective quantities and values.
  • Pile Stock Position Report: This report displays the stock position of raw jute piles in the warehouse or yard. It includes information on the quantity, value, and location of each pile.
  • Count Wise Batch Composition Report: This report shows the composition of jute batches based on their count. It provides information on the quantity, value, and quality of jute fibers in each batch.
  • Production Planning Report: This report provides information on the planned production for a specified period. It includes details such as the expected quantity of finished products, raw material requirements, and labor requirements.
  • Budget Production and Efficiency Report: This report compares the planned production with the actual production and calculates the production efficiency. It also shows the variance between the planned and actual production and provides reasons for the variance.
  • Installed Capacity and Efficiency Report: This report shows the installed capacity of each machine and the actual production achieved. It calculates the efficiency of each machine and identifies the bottlenecks in the production process.
  • Spinning Frame Wise Average Count Report: This report shows the average count of jute fibers produced by each spinning frame. It helps in identifying the frames that are producing substandard fibers.
  • Spindle RPM and TPI Report: This report provides information on the spindle RPM and TPI (Twists Per Inch) achieved by each machine. It helps in identifying the machines that are not performing optimally.
  • Production Report: This report provides information on the production of various types of jute products, such as twist, precision, jute cloth, and jute bags. It includes details such as the quantity produced, value, and quality.
  • Store Expenditure and Purchase Report: This report provides information on the store expenditure and purchase of raw materials, spare parts, and other items. It includes details such as the quantity, value, and supplier details.
  • Electric Consumption Report: This report shows the electricity consumed by each machine and helps in identifying the machines that are consuming more electricity.
  • Generate Run Report: This report shows the number of runs generated by each machine and helps in identifying the machines that are idle or underutilized.
  • Machine Wise Labor Setup Report: This report shows the labor setup for each machine and helps in identifying the machines that require more or less labor.

Overall, the MIS reports generated by the ERP system provide valuable insights into the production process, raw material requirements, labor utilization, and financial performance. These reports can be used to optimize the production process, reduce costs, and improve the quality of jute products.